Nymph Lake Information
Wetland Category: Submerged Floating Aquatics
NWI Classification: PAB4
Latitude:   40.31029 Longitude:   -105.65165

Image Data
Date: 10/12/2008
Direction: South West
State: Colorado
Country: USA
Location: Nymph Lake
Author(s): Larry Handley
Affiliation: USGS, Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center

Description: Palustrine Floating Aquatic Bed. Natural Lake occupying glacial carved basin in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Conditions: Water level is normal after summer.
Dominant Plants:   Scientific Name:
Spatterdock, Cow Lily   Nuphar luteum ssp. polysepalum

Disturbances: Lots of foot traffic around the lake from hikers.
Comments: Floating aquatics may be rooted near the shoreline, but floating is considered more important to identifying habitat than rooted.