Rio Puerco Information
Wetland Category: Streambed
NWI Classification: R4SB4J
Latitude:   35.034455 Longitude:   -106.942002

Image Data
Date: 12/16/2005
Direction: North
State: New Mexico
Country: USA
Location: Rio Puerco north of I-40
Author(s): Larry Handley
Affiliation: USGS, Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center

Description: Rio Puerco streambed is an intermittently flooded riverine channel during the spring from snow melt and after localized rainstorms. It is a dry streambed for most of the year. Sand is the dominant sediment type available in the streambed.
Conditions: No water present in the river channel. Leaf-off of the woody scrub-shrub willow on the sandbar adjacent to the streambed.

Disturbances: None evident in the image.