White River NWR Information
Wetland Category: |
Forested Wetlands |
NWI Classification: |
Latitude: |
34.141930 |
Longitude: |
-91.142921 |
Image Data |
Date: |
04/01/2006 |
Direction: |
North |
State: |
Arkansas |
Country: |
Location: |
White River National Wildlife Refuge, south of St. Charles |
Author(s): |
Larry Handley |
Affiliation: |
USGS, Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center |
| 04/01/2006 | | |
Bottomland Hardwood Forest of predominantly broadleaf deciduous trees over 20 feet in height with a few Cypress (narrowleaf deciduous) trees present. Semi-permanent water is present in pockets for most of the year. Waterline from spring (March and April) flooding of the Lower White River is evident at about 4 feet above the water surface.
Conditions: Spring flooding has receded leaving pools of standing water in low areas and in swales between sand ridges on the floodplain.
Dominant Plants: |
Scientific Name: |
Water Tupelo |
Nyssa aquatica |
Green Ash |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica |
Water Hickory |
Carya aquatica |
Disturbances: None |
Comments: |