St. Marks NWR Information
Wetland Category: |
Salt Marsh |
NWI Classification: |
E2EM1P |
Latitude: |
30.082009 |
Longitude: |
-84.171764 |
Image Data |
Date: |
01/05/2005 |
Direction: |
South East |
State: |
Florida |
Country: |
Location: |
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge |
Author(s): |
Larry Handley |
Affiliation: |
USGS, National Wetlands Research Center |
| 01/05/2005 | | |
Large tidal flats of emergent Salt Marsh flooded irregularly at high tide. The scattered hammocks are upland forested of pines, live oaks, and palmetto.
Conditions: Tide is out. Other than tidal channels the flats are flooded at high high tide on a less than daily basis.
Dominant Plants: |
Scientific Name: |
Spartina |
Spartina alterniflora |
Juncus |
Juncus romerianus |
Disturbances: |
Comments: |