Mississippi Sandhill Crane Information
Wetland Category: Fresh Marsh
NWI Classification: PEM1B
Latitude:   30.451911 Longitude:   -88.655956

Image Data
Date: 01/14/2012
Direction: North East
State: Mississippi
Country: USA
Location: Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR
Author(s): Nathan Handley
Affiliation: CNL World

Description: Isolated pine flatwood bog. Palustrine emergent herbaceous bog wetland. Some wetland Scrub-shrub present; less than 30% cover. Loblolly pine surrounding the saturated flat are on slightly higher ground. Bog is predominantly a peat soil on a sand base.
Conditions: Soil is saturated to the surface. Winter conditions of grasses in scenescence.
Dominant Plants:   Scientific Name:
Sedges   Carex spp.
Beaksedges   Rhynchospora spp.
Wax Myrtle   Morella cerifera (L.) Small

Disturbances: Dark soil indicates that area has had a prescribed burn in the last few of years.