Norris Geyser Basin Information
Wetland Category: Flats & Beaches
NWI Classification: PEM1Ba
Latitude:   44.727795 Longitude:   -110.705334

Image Data
Date: 09/06/2009
Direction: West
State: Wyoming
Country: USA
Location: Yellowston National Park
Author(s): Larry Handley
Affiliation: USGS/NWRC

Description: Palustrine wetland of persistent emergent herbaceous vegetation. Ground is saturated with some areas of permanent to semi-permanent standing water. Water is acidic with high mineral content.
Conditions: Continuous geyser activity within the Norris Basin. Seeps and streams constantly change over time.
Dominant Plants:   Scientific Name:
Geysers panicgrass   Dichanthelium acuminatum (Sw.) Goudl & C.A. Clarke var. thermale (Bo.) Freckmann
Sedge   Carex spp.
Cosmopolitan bulrush   Schoenoplectus maritimus (L.) Lye

Disturbances: Steam and high acidic and mineralized water influence the type and distribution of vegetation. Saturated soil stresses and kills trees and shrubs. Hardier grasses and sedges colonize areas of slightly higher elevation flats.
Comments: Since geyser activity is constant, flooding or exposure from local rainfall and snow melt does not constitute the primary extent of water in the wetlands.