Impoundment - Howard, Georgia Information
Wetland Category: Forested Wetlands
NWI Classification: PFO5Hh
Latitude:   32.593829 Longitude:   -84.397166

Image Data
Date: 02/20/2012
Direction: North West
State: Georgia
Country: USA
Location: Along Georgia Hwy 98 west of Howard
Author(s): Larry Handley
Affiliation: USGS/NWRC

Description: Impounded palustrine pond permanently flooded, less than 20 acres in size, with dead deciduous forest. The deciduous trees were primarily Ash and Red Maple, although a few scattered dead Loblolly pines can be seen.
Conditions: Water level has inundated edges of the pond to stress and kill the deciduous trees growing on the edges of the impoundment.
Dominant Plants:   Scientific Name:
Green Ash   Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.
Red Maple   Acer rubrum L.
Loblolly Pine   Pinus taeda L.

Disturbances: Pond is impounded by old road grade.
Comments: Water level is higher now and inundate the trees that have grown for many years in less wet soil conditions at the edge of the impoundment.