South Yuba River Information
Wetland Category: Streambed
NWI Classification: R3RB1H
Latitude:   39.330175 Longitude:   -120.983602

Image Data
Date: 02/21/2013
Direction: South East
State: California
Country: USA
Location: Edwards Crossing N. Bloomfield Road
Author(s): Larry Handley
Affiliation: Government

Description: Upper Perennial Riverine Channel with a rock bottom of bedrock. Channel is permanently flooded with flow. Water chemistry is fresh.
Conditions: Winter low water conditions.

Disturbances: The South Yuba River watershed was the location of several of the largest hydraulic gold mining activities between 1857 and 1935. Also, several forest fires have disturbed the watershed, the most recent in 2010.
Comments: Bedrock covers more than 75% of channel surface with some rubble of large boulders present.