Elephant Rocks Quarry Information
Wetland Category: Open Water
NWI Classification: PRB1Hx
Latitude:   37.656059 Longitude:   -90.688284

Image Data
Date: 10/17/2013
Direction: East
State: Missouri
Country: USA
Location: Elephant Rock State Park
Author(s): Larry Handley
Affiliation: Government

Description: Palustrine Open Water basin in a granite rock quarry. The water depth is approximately 40 feet and the depth of the quarry to the current water level is 60 feet. Emergent herbaceous Fresh Marsh of cattail surround the edge of the quarry at water level. This is an isolated wetland with only local runoff, some groundwater, and no surface outlet.
Conditions: The quarry has been unused since 1948. The water level remains the same the year-round and from year-to-year. Isolated wetland in rock quarry.
Dominant Plants:   Scientific Name:
Cattail   Typha

Disturbances: No recent human disturbance evident. However, the surrounding upland forest is becoming more plentiful over time without fires and timber cutting, so that the increasing pine and oak forest is adding more acidity to the isolated waterbody over time.