Cache River Information
Wetland Category: Wetland Scrub-shrub
NWI Classification: PSS1F
Latitude:   37.296537 Longitude:   -89.056469

Image Data
Date: 03/28/2014
Direction: West
State: Illinois
Country: USA
Location: Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge
Author(s): Larry Handley
Affiliation: Scientist

Description: Freshwater Palustrine wetland semi-permanently to permanently flooded on a yearly basis. Woody Scrub-shrub vegetation of Buttonbush with several old cypress present.
Conditions: Ancient Ohio River channel abandoned several hundred years ago has gradually filled in with sediment and organic material. Permanently flooded swamp prevades throughout large stretches of the channel and floodplain.
Dominant Plants:   Scientific Name:
Common Buttonbush   Cephalanthus occidentalis
Bald Cypress   Taxodium distichum

Comments: Cypress trees greater than 20 feet tall provide less than 30% of the upper canopy cover. Scrub-shrub less than 20 feet tall provides greater than 30% canopy cover, and is classified as Scrub-shrub.