Salt Valley Wash Information
Wetland Category: Streambed
NWI Classification: R4SB4J
Latitude:   38.734494 Longitude:   -109.517378

Image Data
Date: 08/07/2014
Direction: North East
State: Utah
Country: USA
Location: Arches National Park
Author(s): Larry Handley
Affiliation: Scientist

Description: Riverine streambed that is intermittently flooded after local rainfall with a sand substrate.
Conditions: Flash flood occurred two days previous to observation. Sand in channel is still moist and streambed substrate flow structures are still fresh.
Dominant Plants:   Scientific Name:
Willow   Salix gooddingii
Tamarisk   Tamarix ramosissima

Disturbances: Riparian Tamarisk has been sprayed as part of an eradication program.